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Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

disaster anywhere-tyas

yapp hr ini gue masih bisa ngepost, tp besok - hr sabtu udh gabisa hehehe
now i want to tell you about...disaster anywhere (bencana dimanamana)

kalo kalian nntn berita pasti ada kabar bencana kan? pasti iya. dan memang iya.
mentawai tsunami & gempa, gunung merapi meletus
yaallah please save people there :-( 

come on guys, kita berdoa utk indonesia.



bythewaay, you must look this.

trending topics on twitter!

and... #prayforindonesia is number two

cool B)

get well really soon indonesia! i'll pray for you. and hope allah will always protect you o:)

whoa! i have bad news. barusan abis buka sama terus ada berita kalo...
mbah maridjan meninggal :-(

rest in peace mbah maridjan 
semoga semua amal ibadahnya diterima allah S.W.T amiiin.
tyas maaf nya gua copas blog lu 

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